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Earthquakes In South East Asia

Country in Southeast Asia (SEA) Prone to Earthquake

List of Countries in SEA:
- Brunei Darussalam
- Cambodia 
- East Timor
- Indonesia 
- Laos
- Malaysia 
- Myanmar (Burma) 
- Philippines 
- Singapore 
- Thailand 
- Vietnam

Provided the list of country located in Southeast Asia, where some of the country listed are prone to earthquakes.

    In our Earth between the crust and mantle layer consist of plates, known as tectonic plates. These tectonic plates are not in a whole piece but are like puzzle pieces fits together in place. The image below shows the plate boundary around the world and the highlighted location is where Southeast Asia is located. 

    Between these fault plate boundaries are rough edges where they constantly moves, when these plates slide against one another, they will sometimes get caught together due to friction. An earthquake is a rapid and strong ground shaking caused by the release of energy in the Earth's crust. Once they are freed, the energy stored will get release in an instant where it radiates outward onto the surface in a form of seismic wave. Like dropping a stone into a water it will create energy wave in a circular form from the inside towards the outside. These wave will cause tsunamis and damages to anything it pass through altering the landscapes.

    Country in Southeast Asia that are more prone to earthquake are Indonesia located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, one of the world's most seismically active regions and the Philippines which is also part of the Pacific Ring of Fire and is prone to earthquakes. When earthquake happens in these area, it affects the neighbouring country's to them. Where the tremors can be felt hundreds of kilometres away and sometimes causing damages to surrounding area's. Thought these tremor may be small but not all country and building has standards that can withstand earthquake attack. Country like Malaysia is know to be safe from earthquake and tsunami but that is not really the case. Currently, everyone are aware that earthquake can happen anytime as tremors from earthquake had affected Malaysia previously. With that in mind, earthquake does happen and my affect anywhere depending on its nature. One must be aware of it and never forget that anything can happen in the ever changing world. Our earth are constantly changing  with and without your awareness on it, that is way we need to be alert on these matter even though it had never happen before but it may happen in the future.

    Other countries in SEA such as Myanmar (Burma) also lies on the boundary of two tectonic plate, so occasionally they do experience some earthquakes. In Thai's northern and western region and Vietnam's northern and central regions do occasionally experience earthquake as they are also siting on the boundaries of a tectonic plate.

    It should be noted that earthquake frequency and magnitude vary by country, and seismic activity is monitored by various national geological authorities to assure public safety and preparedness.


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